

Period: 01.01.2005 - 28.10.2024

Category: News

Total number of records: 728

14 Feb 2017
Today, an exhibition “Field Marshal Petar Bojović – the Heirloom of Glory and Honour” was opened in the Serbian Armed Forces Club in Novi Sad. The exhibition was jointly staged by ...
13 Feb 2017
Today, in the Central Military Club of the Serbian Armed Forces in Belgrade, the exhibition “Metropolitan Josif Cvijović – an Ecclesiastic and Warrior” was opened. The exhibition ...
08 Feb 2017
A book “Nighthawk Down” written by Colonel Slaviša Golubović was presented today at the Military Academy. The promotion of the currently most read and most sold edition of ...
03 Feb 2017
Within the promotion of military profession and on the occasion of the schools' patron saint's day – Saint Sava's Day, gift packages of books have been delivered to school ...
01 Feb 2017
Solving the long-lasting problem of our Air Force and Air Defence – provision of the required number of aircraft for the execution of the assigned tasks, was based on the purchase of MiG-29, ...