

Period: 01.01.2005 - 14.03.2025

Category: News

Total number of records: 728

29 Jul 2015
Employees at Odbrana Media Center visited today, on the last day of its presentation, the exhibition "Four centuries of the House of Romanov - Awakening Memory” staged in the crypt of ...
24 Jul 2015
At the Gala Hall of the Central Military Club, the MoD Art Ensemble Stanislav Binicki held a concert of popular music “Musical intermezzo”, as a gift for the end of the musical season.
15 Jul 2015
Owing to the integrations, in the past half a century, Europe has developed into an area of peace, security and economic prosperity, unprecedented in the history of humankind. EU is not perfect; it ...
14 Jul 2015
In honour of General Jovan Dragasevic, warrior, writer and founder of the military press in our country, today, in the Central Military Club, a ceremonial unveiling of his memorial plaque was held. ...
01 Jul 2015
Even decades after wars, Serbia still struggles with the leftover unexploded ordnance “Silent killers”, hidden several feet underground, and, to this day, years after the conflicts when ...