
Exhibition of graphics and drawings by Karl Korab opens

Tonight, in the Small Gallery of the Central Military Club, an exhibition of graphics and drawings by Austrian painter Karl Korab has been opened. The exhibition was opened by Johannes Irshik, Director of the Austrian Cultural Forum, with whose assistance this cultural event was organized.
"I am honoured to be here to open the exhibition of one of those Austrian artists that have been the among the most present in Austria over the last 60 years", Irshik said welcoming the audience. "I thank the Defence Media Centre on cooperation in the realization of this exhibition, and I hope and look forward to future projects."
The audience was welcomed by the artist, Karl Korab, himself. "This is my first visit to the region, except for participation in the Ljubljana Biennial of Graphic Arts", Korab said and recalled that the graphics and drawings are only two of the many techniques in his rich oeuvre of several hundred works. "It has been since the 1960s of the last century that I have been exploring graphics that allows special look at the very work due to its lightness."
Indeed, although at first glance too strict, geometric forms in drawings and graphics are fully subject to what the painter wants to achieve and display. They are the basis from which series of roofs, trees, mountains, blue skies, masks, the pendulum ... subtly emerge. They are great basis for telling a lot about the main themes of this painter in a simple visual way - the time and the transience of all. And to perceive how this painter, as Johannes Irshik said, is deeply rooted in his own birthplace, homeland.
The Belgrade audience will be able to see these 25 works exhibited in the Small Gallery until 27th October 2016.