
Ceremony on the occasion of the liberation of Belgrade in the Great War

On the occasion of the liberation of Belgrade in World War I, the Association of Descendants of the Serbian Veterans 1912-1920 has organized a solemn academy in the Central Military Club in Belgrade, today.
In the well-attended meeting there were British Ambassador to Serbia Denis Keefe, representatives of the Embassy of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces, the local branches of the Association, an association of patriotic organizations of the Serbian Orthodox Church and numerous guests.
President of the Association of Descendants of the Serbian Warriors 1912-1920, Ljubomir Markovic, in a very inspiring speech, recalled the historical circumstances of 98 years ago, when the units of the famous First Army of the Serbian Armed Forces liberated the capital.
- These were terrible fights, but the brave Serbian liberators were inscribed forever in golden letters in our glorious history. It was a continuation of unstoppable breakthrough started in the Salonika front at dawn on 15th September, when 628 thousand Serbian, French, English, Russian and other Allied soldiers struck the powerful enemy – Markovic reminded, adding that there is no nation which, like the Serbs, lost 28% of its population in a war.
President of the Association said that exactly because of almost 1,250,000 victims, the descendants of warriors will not give a step of the Serbian land inherited from the ancestors.
- But we pledge to keep the unity and peace of the South Slavic peoples, peoples of the Balkans and Europe, with whom we will always cherish brotherly relations, Markovic said.
Those present, who filled the grand hall of the former Warriors’ Club to the last seat, welcomed and congratulated them the 98th anniversary of the liberation, Pavle Lucic, President of the Belgrade branch of the Association of Descendants of the Serbian Veterans from 1912 to 1920.
Festive cultural and artistic programme, to the satisfaction of the audience, has been produced by Choir of the Seminary, Ethno group of the Mokranjac Music School and Nikola Tesla Cultural and Artistic Society, which recently celebrated 90 years of existence.