Acqusitions of Matica srpska gallery 2001−2011“
The authors of the exhibition and the accompanying catalog to study the text and reproductions of the exhibited works, catalog units and attachments were the Gallery of Matica Srbska curators Serbian Novi Sad, Alexander Stefanov and Jelena Ognjanovic.
At the opening, as Miroslav Tasic, State Secretary at the Ministry of Culture and Information, Tijana Palkovljevic, director of the Gallery of Matica Srpska and Col. Slavoljub Markovic, Director of the Media Center "Odbrana spoke about the exhibition"
Director of MC "Odbrana" Col Markovic, welcoming those present in the Crentral Military Club spoke of the tradition and the activity of the Gallery of the Central Military Club of the Army, adding that the season 2013 could not have a better start.
Gallery director Tijana Palkovljevic, thanking to MC "Odbrana" for the invitation to guest appearances, she said she was pleased to have an exhibition opportunity for a second life, and when given the opportunity to premiere after exposure to be exposed somewhere else.
State Secretary Miroslav Tasic talked about the donations, mecenarstvu and noble mission of the rulers decorated homes in the middle and up to 19 century.
- Gifts, donations and endowments is something that is important for this nation and the state, and about 244 works donated to testify in the last 10 years Matici Serbian, and some of them found a place in the permanent exhibition. I stress, is not a problem in donations, but that donations, gifts and endowments must be recognized, so that the Serbian government, proposed by the Ministry of Culture and Information, issued a decree on awarding great prizes for patronage and donations, as Tasic said, stating that is a valuable exhibition showing the work of a cultural institution in the past.
It features the works of Nikola Aleksic, Milena Pavlovic Barili, Dobrovic Petar, Bogdan Suput, as well as works by contemporary artists, Vladimir Velickovic, Mira and Sava Sandic, Marica Radojcic and Ruzica Beba Pavlovic and others. The artworks in are exhibited in chronological order from the period 17thjto 21st c in various techniques of artistic expression.
The concept of the exhibition is based on the type of acquisition, and is divided into several parts: gift collections, purchases and individual gifts. Because of the large number of new acquisitions and the fact that it was not possible to present all of them publicly, they will be available through digital presentations.
The exhibition will be open until 23 February 2013.