
Promotion of the book "Character of wars for the breakup of Yugoslavia"

Publication of the Belgrade Forum for the World of Equals, the book "Character of wars for the breakup of Yugoslavia" by retired General Prof. Radovan Radinović, has been promoted today before a large audience in the Conference Hall of the Central Military Club.
The speakers about the book, which has recently received a prestigious Silver Knight award, for which it could be heard in the announcement that it provides an answer to the controversial question – why, for the second time in a century, a state of the South Slavs collapsed? and, who has the "credits", who is responsible for the repeated breakup of Yugoslavia, in addition to the authors, were retired General Prof. Branko Krga; Editor Stanislav Stojanovic, PhD; retired General Dragan Paskaš, while Director of Odbrana Media Centre, Colonel Stevica Karapandžin, took the opportunity, after the words of welcome, to the present the activities of the institution, and in a few sentences to recommend the book "Character of wars for the breakup of Yugoslavia'' as a beacon and unavoidable evidence of searching for the truth about the events in our region that led to the disintegration of the country.
Former Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces, retired General Branko Krga pointed out that many books were written about the breakup of Yugoslavia, but that the Radinovic’s work is especially meaningful and "historically useful", so that the professional public eagerly awaited for it, especially bearing in mind the author's well-known methodological approach and extensive material he used.
Krga also presented its position on the most important facts that have contributed to “breakup of a country", and in that context he mentioned the then political and geo-strategic developments in our country but also in the region, the situation in the Soviet Union and the rapid expansion of the neoliberal concept of Western democracy.
- Serbia did not want war, because the country which is planning an armed conflict, logically, thoroughly prepares its army in a longer period, but it was not the case in our country, and the JNA was under the federal command. Secondly, the one who wants war, quickly finds allies and we know that Belgrade did not do it, General Krga concluded.
Editor of the publication, Stanislav Stojanović, PhD, also stated that the book deals with the lively and controversial theme of the wars in our region, further bringing the historical context of the events described in the book closer to the audience, as well as the need for such a "brilliant analysis" to exist as a testimony of a period of time. He recalled that the actual process of breaking up Yugoslavia remains undoubted challenge for serious scientific research.
- Although this is a work of a general, this is not primarily a military expert analysis of the operational strategy of warfare in the process of disintegration of the country, but above all an attempt of a scientific expert on military strategy to respond to some of the fundamental socio-economic issues, the editor said, adding that the author offers comprehensive answers to the question why, for the second time in a century the state of the South Slavs has collapsed.
Retired General Dragan Paskaš referred to the biography of the author, to show that it is a competent scientist on the subject which is dealt with in the book.
Apart from the circumstances that preceded the wars in the area of the former state, he spoke about the positions of the nations who constituted it and in this context, he strongly rejected the thesis according to which Serbia is to blame for the disintegration of the common state, but he characterized the conflicts in Slovenia, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina as internal ones and not as a war for the "Greater Serbia", as it is being implied.
Not wishing to talk too much about the book, "because there could have already been heard so many good things", the author, a retired General Prof. Radovan Radinović thanked the Ministry of Defence and Odbrana Media Centre for the opportunity to present the book at that place.
In just a few sentences, speaking about the motivation to write it, he said that he felt it necessary to respond to a lie, because he belongs to the "nation falsely accused to be responsible for the disintegration of the state."
- Serbs are not to blame for the evil that happened, in spite of the campaign of lies telling different, and because of which many people ended up in the Hague Tribunal in order to substantiate the non-existent fault – the author said, and as the main motive for the research he mentioned his personal resentment against the lies about the country to which he has always faithfully served.