
Curatorial tour of the exhibition "Representations of man"

Within the exhibition "Representations of man: the masterpieces of Serbian modernism from the National Museum in Smederevska Palanka", a curatorial tour has been carried out in the Great Gallery of the Central Military Club. The audience was led through the exhibition by an art historian and the author of the exhibition, Ana Milošević, PhD.
Participants were welcomed by the curator of the Gallery of the Central Military Club, Jelena Knežević, who pointed out that she was pleased that Belgraders and their guests attentively follow the fine art contents prepared by the Odbrana Media Centre.
- The guest exhibition by the Museum of Smederevska Palanka was met with a good response from the crowd, and we will endeavour in the forthcoming years as well to make these two cultural institutions to continue their cooperation and to show to the citizens their works that are worthy of attention, and that have not been exposed to the judgement of the audience for a long time, she added.
Art lovers were able to gain a more detailed insight into the temporal and spatial framework in which the collection of Serbian fine arts from the first half of the twentieth century was formed. The author especially presented three pictures that have their own "stories": "Remembering" by Milan Milovanovic, "Portrait of architect Milan Slang" by Vasa Pomorišac and "Interior" by Vladimir Filakovac.
Besides present admirers of fine art, the curatorial tour of the exhibition was attended by the representatives of the General Secretariat of the President of the Republic: Nedeljko Tenjović, Secretary General and Slavica Trifunovic, a senior advisor for the development and promotion of projects of national importance.
Due to the great interest of the public in the exhibition "Representations of man: the masterpieces of Serbian modernism from the National Museum in Smederevska Palanka" will be extended until 10 December 2016, and all those who missed today's expert tour through the exhibition will be able to compensate for what they missed on 2nd December 2016, beginning at 1 pm.