Promotion of the book "Physical Therapy propaedeutics"
The book was written by two Associate Professors – Dr. Zorica Brdareski and Dr. Aleksandra Vukomanovic from the MMA Clinic for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, and the book was edited and largely written by Colonel Prof. Aleksandar Djurovic, Head of the MMA Clinic for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. This, as they called it ABC book of physiatry, is a joint work of teachers and their colleagues, clinicians of the MMA Medical Faculty teaching the subject physical medicine and rehabilitation – Dr. Vesna Pejovic, Dr. Marina Kilibarda, Dr. Dejan Miljkovic and Dr. Dejan Ilic, Sanja Jovanovic physiotherapist, Marija Jelisinac and others.
In the opening address, Colonel Prof. Nebojsa Jovic said that "Physical Therapy Propaedeutics" is a textbook, which is primarily intended for cadets of the Medical Faculty and is a major contribution to physical therapy, and to scientific research opus of the MMA Medical Faculty. Also, this textbook will be of great assistance to general practitioners, as well as physical therapists who are already working in an easier recognition of certain diseases and ways of treating the patients.
- The book meets all quality standards of textbooks in terms of contents, structure scope and written expression. Merging theoretical and practical classes, students will relatively quickly master the human musculoskeletal system. The book was conceived as a written, but also as a visual teaching aid and has all scientific, educational and technical characteristics – Prof. Jovic pointed out.
Head of Publishing Department of Odbrana Media Centre, Dragana Markovic, recalled that two years ago, the book "Physiatry" was promoted at the same place and that together with this new book rounds out literature for the subject Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation of the MMA Medical Faculty.
- We invested all creative potential to make it readable, transparent, comprehensible and what is equally important – appealing – Dragana Markovic said and added that the 424 pages of text contain 640 photographs and schematics.
Dr. Zorica Brdareski and Dr. Aleksandra Vukomanovic spoke how "Physical Therapy Propaedeutics" was created and pointed out that writing this textbook was not an easy task because it requires the authors to present this subject to students in an understandable and attractive way.
One of the authors, Colonel Prof. Aleksandar Djurovic made an interesting historical parallel and told the story in his own way about Draginja Draga Babic, a student of medicine in Berlin, and her co-mentor, later a known Nobel Prize winner, Paul Ehrlich. Draginja’s final graduation paper was "Propaedeutic and Therapeutic in Spotted Fever." Draga died from typhus in Valjevo in 1915, when she was 29, Janko Babic from sadness for Draginja, and famous Ehrlich died in Berlin from heart failure. Propaedeutics was as a link and as destiny.