
New issue of ODBRANA

Нови број Одбране Although words cannot accurately convey how fighters from Košare regarded their lives as secondary in priority, in the spring of the war year 1999, defending the sanctity behind them from the invasion of terrorists, mercenaries, Albanian soldiers and soldiers of the Alliance, the story about dramatic struggles of our heroes, their heroism and sacrifice, after seventeen years, former commander of all units in this region, retired Colonel Ljubinko Djurkovic testifies for Odbrana magazine.
I recommend to your attention the theme of the issue, dedicated to the current moment of the Serbian-Chinese relations. Although the 22 signed documents during the visit of Chinese President to Serbia, and another six at the recent summit in Riga, are a huge leap in relations between the two countries, there is still big and hard work before Serbia regarding the development of relations with the powerful China. The question is how to increase exports to that country and not to become dependent on Chinese capital, but keep the path to the EU, which is in a quiet conflict with China over steel and economy, and has a problem of Bregzit and the uncertain future
Serbian secrets are targeted by spies. Despite the technological revolution, foreign intelligence services do not give up the 'agent' mode of work, which involves the recruitment of agents with political influence to undermine or create internal or external policy of the state which they investigate through intelligence work. You can read about the ways in which this secretive industry works in the text entitled Key called ‘the holder of secrets’.
TOPIC – Serbian-Chinese relations – SHADOW OF THE GREAT DRAGON
INTERVIEW - Brigadier General Alfredo Pérez de Aguado Martínez, UNIFIL Sector East Commander: THE VOLATILE PEACE IS STILL PEACE
DEFENCE – Towards the first generation of graduates in Public Finance from the Military Academy: LABOUR MARKET WANTS THEM
Day of 250th AD Missile Brigade: PROVEN MASTERS OF SKIES
Remembering Sergeant Majors Stevan Markovic and Christian Lampret: FOR MEMORIES NOT TO FADE
Quarter of a century since the death of Second Lieutenant Borko Nikitović: WITH OUR MILITARY, WE SLEEP PEACEFULLY
Memories of retired Colonel Ljubinko Djurković: OBVERSE AND REVERSE
SOCIETY – Serbian secrets targeted by spies: KEY CALLED "THE HOLDER OF SECRETS"
WORLD – Six decades of landing of JNA peacekeeping forces in Sinai: POWER OF BLUE HELMETS
FEUILLETON – Odysseus from Temnić region: PART OF STEEL CLASS
SPORT – Team of the Serbian Armed Forces at the 49th World Military Orienteering Championship: COMPASS DIRECTED TO BRAZIL
SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT 158 – Serbo-Croatian relations throughout history: NARCISSISM OF SMALL DIFFERENCES
ODBRANA can be purchased at newsstands of STAMPA and FUTURA PLUS, in VOJNA KNJIGA book store in 22, Vasina St. in Belgrade at a price of 100 dinars and digital issue at portal www.novinarnica.net.