
Monograph River Flotilla presented in Novi Sad

In the Central Military Club in Novi Sad, today, the monograph ‘River Flotilla 1915-2015’ by Rear Admiral, retired, Bosko Antić, and Commander (Navy) Dragan Spasojević, published by Odbrana Media Centre, has been presented before packed audience.
In the monograph, which may be said to represent an encyclopaedic edition, the authors emphasize the contribution of members of the River Flotilla in the struggle for liberation of the country in the 20th century, which is still insufficiently known. Texts, substantiated with more than 500 photographs that depict the life of its members, chronologically address events, organizational structure of the composition of the river units, present tactical and technical data on river vessels, tools and equipment of the river units that have been in use since its establishment until today.
Captain Andrija Andrić, commander of the River Flotilla said the words of welcome to attendees, emphasizing the historical significance of the monograph, among other things, for the very River Flotilla as a specific unit of the Serbian Armed Forces.
- River flotilla, during a century of existence, wrote out alone the lines of its famous and rich history. We, who wear the uniform of members of the River Flotilla, are proud, just as all those who respect us and value us, that our unit can be proud today of its glorious traditions and history woven into the cover of this unique monograph – Commander (Navy) Spasojević said. Rear Admiral, retired, Bosko Antić also spoke about the work on this kind of guide through history of the Fleet, noting that for all the time of his professional career he was directly attached to ships and sailors, but it remained so also in his retirement, and that under his "literary pen" 56 books emerged exactly about ships and sailors.
In addition to the author, those who participated in presenting the monograph were aptain retired Zoran Karličić, one of the reviewers (and a former commander of the Fleet), Lieutenant Colonel Zoran Krupež, deputy director of Odbrana Media Centre and Mirjana Sandić, editor of the monograph.
Lieutenant Colonel Krupež reminded of this year's rich publishing activities of Odbrana Media Centre and successful participation in exhibition in the recently held 61st International Belgrade Book Fair, and that Antić and Spasojević, as the authors, wrote a content rich and historiographically invaluable work, which can be said to be too important a witness of a hundred years of existence and development of River Flotilla.
Presentation of the book at the Military Club in Novi Sad was added solemnity by Maksim Mudrinić, the most famous Vojvodina bagpiper, performing the song Svi šajkaši odoše (All chaika drivers left), which opened the promotion, and Miodrag Petrović, an actor and director of the Serbian National Theatre Drama, by inspired reading of selected passages.