
Exhibition ‘Field Marshal Petar Bojović – symbol of glory and honour’ in Čačak

Last night, at the National Museum in Čačak, exhibition ‘Field Marshal Petar Bojovic – symbol of glory and honour’ was opened. The fifth hosting of the exhibition (after Belgrade, Kragujevac and Niš), in this cultural institution, will last until 4th December 2017.
On behalf of the host, the guests were welcomed by the director of the museum – Delfina Rajić, and the exhibition was opened by Colonel Stevica S. Karapandžin, director of Odbrana Media Centre, explaining, among other things, what is the importance of this endeavour, jointly prepared by the General Secretariat of the President of the Republic, the National Museum in Čačak and Odbrana Media Centre.
- Correcting the injustices is crucial, not for Petar Bojović himself, but above all for all of us, because it depends on our attitude towards him what we will be tomorrow in eternity. Field Marshal Petar Bojović gave that God's gift to the Serbian people, he was and remained an ideal to which Serbian officer should strive at all times. But he is also a symbol of a great and martyred generation, where only the top Serbian officer's elite felt on their skin and "blessings" of the state formed by Serbian blood and Serbian victories. I am glad that the number of those who line up for fighting for not only the reconstruction of memory, but also to eliminate the injustices done to the Field Marshal Petar Bojović, is greater and greater, which actually is our mission.
The ceremony was completed with the performance of the choir of Music High School ‘Dr Vojislav Vučković’ in Čačak, and after opening, the visitors were lead through the exhibition by Radivoje Bojović, curator of the National Museum in Čačak, particularly drawing attention to the fact that it was the most complete collection of medals of one of the four legendary Serbian Field Marshals.
- It is a whole that is unique even in the European context. It comprises the highest Serbian and Allied decorations received by Field Marshal Petar Bojović, commander of the First Army and the Chief of the Supreme Command in the First World War. Vojvoda Bojović was awarded 41 times: 25 times with Serbian decorations and 16 times with the highest European decorations.
After the appearance in Čačak, the exhibition will be opened in the Military Club in Kraljevo in January 2017.