
New issue of ODBRANA

Magazin Odrbana broj 271 You are looking at the New Year's double issue of Odbrana magazine, which opens by the original text of the Minister of Defence, Zoran Djordjevic. Military service, writes the first man of the system, is not an easy job anywhere, neither in the richest countries, nor in the best paid and most modern and highly equipped armed forces. But the social status of members of the defence system should not discourage us because the struggle for its improvement is and will be our constant task! It is especially so, having in mind the responsibility and sacrifice that the military profession bears.
As considered by the top management at the defence system, the Technical Overhaul Institute Kragujevac is a profitable institution which should be a model for others. We visited them to see how they became that, which path they took, and where they are heading to. According to Colonel Dušan Kovarbašić, director of that market orientated military establishment, the Institute used to employ 95 percent of capacity to meet the needs of the defence system, and now about 25 percent of revenue comes from the outside of that system. This year, that percentage should be around 30 percent, and next year, believes the director, even more. Employment of the capacities is 92-93 percent and that is what brings success to the Institute.
Downing "stealth" F-117A tactical bomber and F-16CG fighter bomber, as well as the success of the team, the entire unit, along with the fact that the 3rd rocket Division of the 250th AD Missile Brigade did not have losses during the NATO aggression, is not the result of luck, but more of the knowledge and good training, says Colonel Slaviša Golubović, author of the "The Fall of the Night Hawk", one of the latest editions of Odbrana Media centre. In an exclusive interview to our newspaper, the author speaks about the details of the overthrow of the legendary aircraft which can be read in his book.
INTERVIEW – Colonel Slavisa Golubović, author of "The Fall of the Night hawk": FACTOR OF THIRD RADIATION
TOPIC – Technical Overhaul Institute in Kragujevac: PATH OF SUCCESS OF A PYROTECHNICIAN OF MEDNA
DEFENCE – A new study program at the Military Academy: IN STEP WITH THE WORLD
The best units in the First Army Brigade: TANKMEN UNRIVALLED
The monograph "River flotilla 1915-2015": FROM ANCIENT CHAIKAS TO INLAND RIVER MINE SWEEPERS
Are security systems helpless or incapable of protecting? BERLIN AND ANKARA – VIEW FROM ANOTHER ANGLE
Vukojevićs waited a decade to become parents: LOVE, HOPE AND FAITH ALWAYS WIN
ARSENAL – A new variant of the combat vehicle: STEP FORWARD – LAZAR 3
WORLD – Year in the rear-view mirror: STARTING BIG TURN
FEUILLETON - Odysseus from Temnić district: (3): CREATING THE NAVY
HISTORY - Serbian women in the defence of the fatherland: FEMALE HEALERS OF GENTLE HEART
Natalija Neti Munk – the first Serbian voluntary nurse: SELF-SACRIFICE
CULTURE – Soldiers in the history of Serbian literature – Sima Milutinović Sarajlija: A POET WHO WAS LOVED BY GOETHE AND NJEGOŠ
ODBRANA can be purchased at newsstands of STAMPA and FUTURA PLUS, in VOJNA KNJIGA book store in 22, Vasina St. in Belgrade at a price of 100 dinars and digital issue at portal www.novinarnica.net.