
Book-Croatian campaign OLUJA presented

In the atrium of the Central Military Club the book of Stanko Nisic "Croatian storm - Documents", with key speakers Slobodan Jarcevic, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg, reviewer Savo Strbac generals and retired professor. Dr. George Stanic and Peter Skrbic.

In an effort to document the causes and consequences of constant conflict between the Serbs and Croats in the Balkans, the author has expanded edition of "Croatia storm", has given a detailed description of the event that in 1995 rocked the world of crimes against the Serbian people.

- The book has two parts, the first devoted to the historical view of crimes against Serbs in what is now Croatia, and the Military Frontier of the Austria-Hungarian Empire, Yugoslavia and the Kingdom of Serbs, and the other the "Oluja," said Dr. George Stanic, stressing that the crimes against Serbs in these areas were never completely stopped. About the exodus of Serbian people from Krajina from Croatia and from Bosnia and Herzegovina, where they were again driven by war left their homes only to reach Serbia , said Gen. Peter Skrbic who himself took part in the war.

- "Storm" was the military, ideological campaign as well as a propaganda of authorities' designed and implemented with the help of NATO forces and the Muslim army in Bosnia and Herzegovina, with the aim of expulsion and annihilation of Serbian people, not only in Croatia, but also from many cities in the Republic of Serbian and Bosnia and Herzegovina, said among other things, general Skrbic, while Slobodan Jarcevic, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg and former Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbian Krajina talked about Catholicism and the Vatican as the pivot on which the traditionally anti-Serb pogrom perpetrators gather different color.

About the book "Croatian storm - documents," before the authors, Savo Strbac from "Veritas" spoke, highlighting the efforts made to investigate crimes committed during the military operation.

Operation "Storm" began on 4 August 1995 as an offensive of the Croatian Army and police in the area Banija Like, Kordun and northern Dalmatia and the Republic of Serbian Krajina. A day later, the Croatian Army entered the almost deserted Knin and said the Croatian flag. In an operation conducted under the auspices of the American retired generals attended by 138,500 members of the Croatian army, the police and the Croatian Defence Council, which is opposed by about 31,000 Serbian Territorial Defence.

After numerous crimes of the Croatian army, committed during "Operation Storm", almost the entire Serb population fled the area. Long lines and convoys of refugees on tractors and other agricultural vehicles took refuge first in the territory controlled by the Bosnian Serbs in western and northern Bosnia, and then in Serbia.

Although there are no precise data on the number of victims of ethnic cleansing in Croatia, according to some sources, was 1,805, while the Croatian Helsinki Committee for Human Rights said that during the operation, a total of 677 civilians were killed. On the other hand, the Documentation and Information Centre "Veritas" has in its records the names of 1960 dead and missing Serbs, of which 1205 civilians, including 522 women and 12 children.