
The Exhibition “Metropolitan Josif Cvijović – an Ecclesiastic and Warrior” was Opened


Today, in the Central Military Club of the Serbian Armed Forces in Belgrade, the exhibition “Metropolitan Josif Cvijović – an Ecclesiastic and Warrior” was opened. The exhibition was organised by “Odbrana” Media Centre in collaboration with the Archive of the Serbian Orthodox Church.
The Director of the Archive of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Radovan Pilipović MA, and the Director of “Odbrana” Media Centre, Colonel Stevica Karapandžin spoke about the notable archpriest and fervent patriot, while Toplica Bishop, Arsenije, expressing gratitude to the organisers, conveyed to the present audience the blessings of His Holiness, the Serbian Patriarch Irinej.
Reminding that it was the third time he spoke at the opening of the joint exhibition of the Archive of the Serbian Orthodox Church and “Odbrana” Media Centre, Pilipović pointed out that it was not difficult to speak about the Metropolitan Cvijović since he had left a great mark.
- Sixty year anniversary of his death is just a formal occasion to organise a biographical exhibition about him, otherwise this was an extraordinary man, no matter how we think about him, as a priest or as a warrior – military priest, or Bishop of Bitola and later as the Metropolitan of Skopje, said the Director of the Archive of the Serbian Orthodox Church and added that the exhibition shaded light on his personality in the best possible way, his care for Serbian refugees and his contribution to caring for the socially endangered and the families of the perished warriors.
The Director of “Odbrana” Media Centre, Colonel Stevica Karapandžin reminded that his institution had paid due attention, in previous several years, to marking the anniversary of the Great War, desiring at that to save from oblivion many notable persons of that time, one among them being Metropolitan Josif Cvijović.
- Mentioning his name reminds me of several things – first of all, his engagement as a guerrilla soldier in the War Lord Vuk’s detachment, the warfare on the Cer mountain and Crni Vrh, but I am also reminded of an extremely important diplomatic mission during the First World War, said Colonel Karapandžin and added that we could not but to be reminded how, after being ousted from Skopje by Bulgarian occupant, at the beginning of the Second World War, he wisely led our Church during the war period, at the time of imprisonment in Germany of then Serbian Patriarch Gavrilo together with the Bishop of Žiča, Nikolaj.
The Director of “Odbrana” Media Centre evaluated that the Metropolitan was one of the most striking examples of not only fervent patriotism but of a military priest who had given an immeasurable contribution to joint effort of the Serbian nation during the wars for the liberation from 1912 to 1918.
The Metropolitan of Skopje, Josif, is a shining light of not only the Serbian Orthodox Church, but of Serbian history as well, where he appeared even before 1912, due to his engagement in military units in the territory of Southern Serbia. His honourable patriotism and his experience as an archpriest led the ship of the Serbian Orthodox Church to a safe harbour from tumultuous and disturbing years of the Second World War. He was dignified in the face of the occupant, refusing on several occasions to pass decisions against Serbian Church and national interests.

The choir “Srbski Pravoslavni Pojci” took part in the artistic segment of the opening of the exhibition which will be presented in the Small Gallery of the Central Military Club of the Serbian Armed Forces until 25th February.