
The New Issue of “ODBRANA” was published

Magazin Odrbana broj 271 The Commander of the Joint Forces of the Serbian Armed Forces and the Ministry of Interior, Brigadier General Dejan Janković speaks for the new issue of the „Odbrana“ magazine about the engagement of the soldiers and policemen on securing state line, the exchange of information with security services of Serbia and tasks coordination with the state institutions involved in the resolution of the migration crisis. On the pages of the second issue of “Odbrana” for February, you can also read about how the media reported on the Serbian Armed Forces in the previous year, what tasks are executed in the winter by the River Flotilla divers, how the candidates for the Special Brigade weigh their skills and knowledge during selective training, and what the role, importance, the plans and capacities of the Institute for Strategic Research of the Ministry of Defence are in terms of scientific and research work in the system of defence.
TOPIC – Media on the Serbian Armed Forces in 2016: THE INSTITUTION OF CONFIDENCE
INTRVIEW – Brigadier General Dejan Janković, Commander of the Joint Forces of the Serbian Armed Forces and Ministry of Interior: BY RESPONSIBLE WORK TO SECURED BORDERS
DEFENCE – The River Flotilla divers: ACTION UNDER ICE
Selective training in the Special Brigade: READY FOR CHALLENGES
Institute for Strategic Research: INVESTMENT IN THE FUTURE
The sixth funeral of Dimitriја Тucоvić: THE FINAL HOMAGE – PARCEL 777
ARSENAL – The drones in counterterrorist actions: TACTICAL NOVELTY
FEUILLETON – Cuba after the death of Fidel Castro (2):THE INVINCIBLE REVOLUTIONARY
CULTURE – Dr Elizbeta Ristanović the winner of the Vuk’s Award: A GREAT AND NOBLE OBLIGATION
SPECIAL ADDITION – Toplički uprising
You can buy magazine “ODBRANA” at “Štampa“ and „Futura Plus“ news-stands and in “VOJNA KNJIGA” in 22 Vasina Street in Belgrade, at the price of RSD 100, and you may find a digital edition at the portal www.novinarnica.net.