
The Presentation of the Book about the Men of Literature and Politics in Serbian Culture

Today, a promotion of a monograph written by Prof Dr Zoran Avramović was held in the Ceremonial Room of the Central Military Club of the Serbian Armed Forces. The monograph was titled “The Men of Literature and Politics in Serbian Culture (1804-2014) – Beautiful Soul and Janus’s Face of Politics” and it was published by “Pravoslavna reč“.
The book promotion was attended by the Minister of Culture and Information, Vladan Vukosavljević, State Secretary in the Ministry of Defence, Nenad Nerić, and Serbian Patriarch Irinej, representatives of defence system and numerous visitors and booklovers.
Academicians Ljubomir Dimić and Gojko Đogo, Prof Dr Dragan Simeunović presented the book together with a book critic Želimir Nikčević and the author himself.
On behalf of the publisher, the audience was addressed by the Director of “Pravoslavna reč“ Zoran Gutović who expressed his satisfaction with the fact that they traditionally promoted new editions in the Central Military Club of the Serbian Armed Forces.
According to the words of Mr Nikčević, the book was “a significant publishing feet which will reverberate in the public causing different reactions because the author dealt with and shed light on a quite delicate topic”, and academician Đogo pointed out the “the monograph is not a catalogue of scientifically verified data on disputes and agreements of the politics and literature, but a bold, sociologically delineated, analysis of when, how and to what extent that relation was reflected in the history of their peoples”.
Professor Simeunović emphasised that the monograph was a hit and a proof of the maturity of the time in which we live.
- Both politics and literature fight for the human soul. They both strive to conquer it – politics by force, literature by beauty. They are on the same quest, but this quest leads them into a state of conflict and collaboration. In a way, that is what this book is about, and it sends a message about the eternal struggle between literature and politics – Simeunović said.
Academician Ljubodrag Dimić noted that the topic was not new, but everlasting one, and that the new researching questions, the sets of relations, the manner of defining the scientific problem were actually the conclusions and style of a scientist, while the author, at the end of the promotion, expressed his belief that the book would be “just one of the steps forward in our national and cultural self-awareness, because it is very important for a nation to get to know itself”.
In the monograph “The Men of Literature and Politics in Serbian Culture (1804-2014) – Beautiful Soul and Janus’s Face of Politics” the attention of the researcher is directed towards theoretic consideration of the relations between politics and public engagement of the authors, information about the writers who were politically active and the relation Serbian writers had towards the politics during the last two decades of the 20th and at the beginning of 21st century.