Following on the Programme of the Exhibition Exhibition “ARTISTS – ACADEMICIANS from the Collection of Pavle Belјanski”
Dr Jasna Jovanov, the Manager of the Commemorative Collection and the author of the exhibition held a lecture titled The Artists – Academicians before and now. She introduced numerous art lovers who happened to be in the gallery of the Central Club of the Serbian Armed Forces last Saturday to the corpus of creative individuals whose works broke through the prism of the epochs in which they were created which left their mark in many ways on the national culture. On several occasions, some eighty of them have been presented to the public from the angle of their membership in the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, showing their works from different periods of their creation, as well as the comments on their work, autobiographical texts and inaugural speeches.
A workshop titled “What is the painting hiding?” was organised for the youngest visitors who came from the Preschool Institution Dečji Dani, kindergarten Majski cvet. The interactive educational programme presented to the children the works of the famous artists from the collection of Pavle Beljanski which hide a famous “real person”. The workshop also provided them with a multitude of information about the artists and motivated them to express their own creativity.
Saturday, 18th March at 12.00 is the term reserved for the next lecture titled “The Founders of the Gallery of SANU”, and on Thursday, 23 March from 11.00 to 13.00 another workshop for children is going to be organised: “Letter, Photography… What does it reveal?”. A TV film “Ivan Tabaković – the Painters and Sculptors Serial” is going to be presented on the same day at 18.00.