
165th issue of Odbrana brings to you

At the session of National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, held on 27 July this year, Aleksandar Vucic was voted the new defense minister and first deputy prime minister responsible for defense, security and the fight against corruption.

We live at a time of challenges, risks and threats that confirm that security can only be built through cooperation, exchange of experience and expertise, said Chief of General Staff Lt. Gen. Ljubisa Dikovic at the graduation ceremony of officers of 58th class of Command Staff training.

In an interview to Odbrana Colonel Dejan Joksimovic, Chief of Staff of the Air Force points out that the force of a commander is in the people around him, not in himself. They are an integral part of a team in which all are equally important, from a commander of the troops to technicians. Everyone works in pursuit of a common goal, to successfully complete their respective tasks.

The topic of the issue is research work in the Military Technical Institute. Since the start of this year four pieces of armament and military equipment have been adopted in the arms of the Serbian Army, 9 more are being currently tested in the Technical Testing Center, and 13 other newly developed resources will be submitted to the final testing later this year.

It's been seventeen years since the operation "Oluja". In Serbia, the Serbian Republic and Croatia, on 4 August a memorial service will be held for all those murdered and missing Serbs in the Croatian military operation in 1995.

River flotilla is part of the Army, but its tasks carried out on the field where the infantry boot powerless. Rivers, canals, lakes - inland waterways more than 1500 kilometers, the waters are in charge of River Flotilla members of the Serbian Army.

Corporal Bojan Disic, after returning from peacekeeping missions in Cyprus, said that he liked the friendly locals, the beach and decorated towns. “I recommend colleagues to accept the challenge and go to the peacekeeping operations”.

Special supplement dedicated to the jubilee - the centenary Serbian military aviation. Aeronautical Establishment pieces of the Serbian army in Nis, 1912 marked the beginning of the existence of military aviation in Serbia. That generation is inheriting the legacy of reform of the Serbian army from the late 19th century, understood the times and technological achievements, and was among a small number of countries in the world who have realized the importance of aviation in the coming time.

Members of the reconnaissance battalion of troops commanding the Third Brigade of the Army carried out a five-day training in overcoming obstacles at Oblacinskolake, a reconnaissance unit of the Second Brigade were on the Ibar River.

Fourth Brigade Infantry platoon is the best and most disciplined units of the armed forces of more than twenty countries with whom they worked on preparations for peacekeeping, the U.S. command position at the end of a multinational exercise in Bulgaria.

In the aviation tradition marking a century in our country, a group of pilots and aviation enthusiasts spent the next holiday marks the glorious Serbian aviation history. Journey are more attractive as themselves and the inhabitants of which were passing through, starting the engine.

This year members of the First Battalion pontonirskog River Flotilla from Sabac laid the pontoon bridge length of 362 meters from the quay to the hotel "Yugoslavia" to the Zemun favorite resort. Day and night pontonirci maintain the bridge and also allow visitors daily enjoy nature and the Danube to the first September, when the bed and begins his two-day trip to Sabac.

In the constantly changing, complex geostrategic environment which is hard to predict, the global financial crisis and severe economic trends moving centers, and therefore the overall strategy of power from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean, from West to East, with the existing and latent tensions, crises and conflicts in the world, attracting the attention of NATO in terms of an adequate response, there was a need to review the framework of the Euro-Atlantic security partnership in order to adapt its current circumstances. What does the concept of "intelligent defense" in the multi-national approach to skills development.

At a police checkpoint near the village of Sevan in the province of Farah in Afghanistan, on 22. July, 14 government police officers led by the commander of the checkpoint fled to the Taliban side. The deflected officers will quickly become another marginal detail of the conflict in Afghanistan, but shows the weakest point of the NATO plan for emerging from conflict and transferring local security on local armed forces - the Afghan National Army (ANA) and police.

New feuilleton - Two Centuries of the battle at Borodin. Although he did not appreciate the Russian generals, Napoleon was respected Russian soldiers, believing them to be the toughest warriors in Europe at the time. Before the battle he said that the French would have to break the Russian positions with cannons.

Another pilgrimage journey of the Ministry of Defense and the Army of Serbia to the Holy Mountain and Hilandar. It is a unique feat, this pilgrimage to Athos, the highest peak of the peninsula with the same name.

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