
Promotion of a Book Titled “Our Holy Gusle”

“Serbian people, apart from numerous elements of its historical statehood, has treasured in its tradition, deeply rooted in its tumultuous past and hardship, an instrument that followed it both through the times of good and bad fortune. Without it even Serbian spiritual heritage would not be as it is remembered by history, and as it is narrated by the people. Through many centuries, Serbs proudly treasured and preserved its gusle” – these were the words that last night, in the ceremonial hall of the Serbian Armed Forces Central Club opened the presentation of a book written by Slavko Jeknić titled “Our Holy Gusle”, published under the patronage of the Association of Gusle Players of Serbia.

The book, dedicated to this old and for Serbian history important instrument, was presented by Professor Milovan Bojić, journalist and publicist Miloš Marković, Professor Slavko Aleksić and a writer Dragan Lakićević.
The audience had an opportunity to enjoy epic poems that were sung accompanied by gusle by Draško Malidžan, Milan Mrdović, Milomir Trebješanin and Saša Laketić, and also to hear the verses dedicated to gusle, recited by an actor Miodrag Rakočević. The artistic part of the programme was closed by the pupils of the School of Music “Mokranjac” where the author of the book, Slavko Jeknić teaches playing gusle.

At the end of the promotion, the author pointed out that in modern times, in which we live, it was difficult to maintain traditional values, the features of life and the spirit of our ancestors. That is why the book “Our Holy Gusle” is recommended to all who desire to learn pieces of information about history, tradition and culture of epic poems, and about their narrators and gusle players.