
Opened Exhibition Titled “The Centuries of Bač”

Today, the exhibition “Ten years of developmental project of integrative heritage protection – the Centuries of Bač” by author Slavica Vujović, was officially opened today in the Great Gallery of the Central Club of Serbian Armed Forces.
This is an exhibition supported by Province Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments, Petrovaradin, which was founded with support of the Gallery of Matica Srpska, Faculty of Technology of the University of Novi Sad, Centre for Museology and Heritology of the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade, the fund “Centuries of Bač” and by the host Media Centre “Odbrana”.

Opening the exhibition, Assistant Minister of Culture for International Relations and European Integration in the Field of Culture, Asja Drača Muntean said that the identification of the heritage and its preservation is conditioned by the awareness of one’s own past.

- In this respect, it is highly important to preserve the heritage in a way that certain values are not threatened and to make efforts for its rehabilitation – the Assistant Minister of Culture and added that the preserved heritage from the territory of Bač rather valuable and is a testimony of life and continuity of at least eight millennia.
She confirmed that the exhibition provided an insight into previous efforts of the Instutue aimed at conservation of memorial heritage of the municipality of Bač and results achieved in the last ten years, since the launching of this project.

The author of the exhibition, Dr Slavica Vujović, a conservationist from Principality Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments Petrovaradin, reminded that the exhibition had been created a year before, in the framework of marking 65 years of the Institute’s foundation.
- It was a great opportunity to tell a story about the duration and continuity, and concurrently about a different approach of a generation of conservationists who in fact wanted to demonstrate their understanding of a new role of heritage in the society – the author said announcing an expert and author’s guidance through the exhibition after the opening ceremony.

The Head of Department for Public Relations of the Ministry of Defence, Navy Captain  Petar Bošković, pointed out that the Central Club of Serbian Armed Forces is an edifice where culture is, so to speak, daily celebrated and which represented a true treasury of art treasure.
- Media Centre “Odbrana” and Department for Public Relations of the Ministry of Defence, have the same mission as the Province Institute, which is to promote cultural heritage through publishing and exhibition activities – Bošković said adding that it was a particular pleasure to have an opportunity to give contribution to expanding knowledge in that regional project, which might serve as an example to all foreign institutions in terms of keeping and using cultural heritage.

The exhibition, about which spoke the Deputy of President of Province Council for Culture, Nebojša Kuzmanović, by means of richly illustrated boards and artifacts, presents to the public an overall approach to preservation and use of cultural heritage, finds, achieved results and contributions.
“The Centuries of Bač” has been managed in the previous ten years as a successful regional developmental project based on valuation of cultural heritage and its conservation, merging culture with science, art, economy, ecology and politics acknowledging specific elements of each of these segments.

The exhibition also represents a rare and valuable archaeological material from the territory of Bač Fortress and Franciscan Monastery, and accompanying programme envisages holding thematic fora and children workshops.