
The Editions of the Media Centre “Odbrana” Presented at “the Diaspora Day”

Today, an event titled “the Diaspora Day” has taken place at Singidunum University with the participation of the representatives of the mother country and diaspora, ambassadors, as well as the highest representatives of the University and the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Srpska.
An additional part of the event was an exhibition of books on diaspora and the Serbs in the region, where the Media Centre “Odbrana” as the main publishing authority of defence system, was represented by works of Dušan Babac “Serbian Army in the Great War 1918-1914” and “Serbs – Russian Commanders from the Time of Peter the Great to the October Revolution”, Mile Bjelajac “Why the Revision 1914-1918”, Jovan Janićijević “Serbia between the East and the West” and of General Svetomir Đukićи “the Balkan Wars” and “the First World War”.
The topics about different aspects of mother country and diaspora were covered by: Academician Vladimir Kostić, the President of SANU; Vladan Vukosavlјević, the Minister of Culture of the Republic of Serbia, Dr Dane Malešević, Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Srpska, Nikola Lončar, the President of “Tesla Science Foundation” and numerous other representatives of diaspora organisations.