Minister Vulin in the Media Centre “Odbrana”
On that occasion, Minister Vulin stated that the Serbian Armed Forces attach great attention to military publishing and culture and that it will continue paying attention so that it offers to all the citizens of Serbia an opportunity to familiarise themselves with the military history and also with the creation of culture in the military.
- The Serbian Armed Forces, through its publishing centre, is also starting an edition “Warrior” and that is going to be an edition in which our most prominent war commanding officers will speak about their memories, their thoughts, about what they have experienced and about their observations on the reality and how they perceive the future. It is time for us to show that we are very proud of the people who fought for their country, of the people who participated in wars which Serbia did not seek, but it waged them with the utmost skill and utmost capability of being a human and a soldier – Minister Vulin emphasised.
During the visit, rich history of the Central Military Club, once the War Club, was presented to Minister Vulin as well as ceremonial salons and show piece halls for different purposes which are today at disposal in this edifice. After touring gallery area, Minister Vulin saw a depot where the rich artistic collection of the Gallery of the Central Military Club is kept.
Today’s visit was an opportunity for meeting the members of Artistic ensemble “Stanislav Binički“ and the editorship of the magazine „Odbrana“. The press and information activity of the institution was presented to Minister Vulin which includes publishing the magazine „Odbrana“ and editing web portal of the Media Centre „Odbrana“.
The Media Centre „Odbrana“ was established in the beginning of 2010 as part of the reorganisation of the Ministry of Defence. Within that process it encompassed all the activities and tasks of the previous Press Centre “Odbrana”, of the Military Publishing Institution and Central Military Club.