
Celebration of the Day of the Stanislav Binički Artistic Ensemble

The Day of the Stanislav Binički Artistic Ensemble of the Ministry of Defence was marked today by a ceremony at the Central Military Club in Belgrade. The ceremony was attended by Radmila Jagodić, Acting Assistant Minister of Defence for Budget and Finance, Major General Ranko Živak, AF and AD Commander, Major General Mladen Vuruna, Rector of the University of Defence, representatives of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces and numerous guests, friends of the Ensemble.
Navy Captain Petar Bošković congratulated the celebrators on the 118th anniversary of the existence of the Ensemble and reminded that in the past period "Binički" had up and downs, and at one point its survival was in question.
- However, with their persistent work, musical knowledge, talent, they managed to compensate for everything. The Public Relations Directorate gave them full support, and they returned it manifold, not only with their performances, which greatly contributed to recognizing the defence system as a house of culture and art, but they showed how much they can and know to transfer music of the soul, music of Stanislav Binički, in the best possible way. We will continue to fight, Navy Captain Petar Bošković said and wished them to continue to be a collective, as before, to play on world and domestic scenes, and to represent the uniform they wear as well as the defence system.
In continuation of the ceremony, Commander Svetozar Vasileski, head of the Ensemble, reminded that the celebration was held several days earlier, as members of the Ensemble are to take part in the "Mokranjac Days" in Negotin, on 26th September, where they will hold an appropriate concert.
Head of the Ensemble reminded of the significance of Stanislav Binički, the creator of "Marsh on the Drina" and the Parade Marsh, a composer who is considered the founder of military music, and pointed out that a number of concerts were realized this year, which were noticed in the professional and wider public. Among the significant recognitions they received, the distinguished ones are the recognition for the best concert in 2016, awarded by the Association of Musical Artists of Serbia to maestro Pavle Medaković for the concert with the Ensemble on the occasion of 40 years of his artistic work, and the publication of a compact disc with the author's music by academician Ivan Jevtić, performed by the Ensemble, which was recently premiered in Paris.
At the ceremony, the most prestigious musicians in the past season were declared. These are Captain Aleksandar Jovanović, civilians Sanja Radić, Dragan Miletić and Aleksandar Lučić. Violin player Mina Ćurčin received a special award for her volunteer work in the Ensemble, and Vesna Jovanović, a civilian, received an appreciation letter.
Letters of appreciation were also given to the institutions with which the Ensemble successfully cooperates. These are, from the defence system – the Military Attorney's Office, from the field of culture - the Banja Luka Philharmonic Orchestra, and from the media - the broadcast „Susretanja“ (Meetings) of the 1st Programme of Radio Belgrade. Aleksandra Paladin, the author and the host of the „Susretanja” programme, thanked on behalf of those awarded.
The Head of the Public Relations Department handed out the memorial medals for the loyal service to Captain Ivan Gulicovski and the Staff Sergeant First Class Predrag Tolomir, as well as the letter of appreciation to the doyen of the Ensemble Momir Dukić.
The music part of the ceremony included the Choir of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces, the String Quartet of the Stanislav Binički Artistic Ensemble and the sisters Gobović, Marija and Marina.