
Promotion of New Editions of the Publishing House “Agape knjiga”

This evening, in the Ceremonial Hall of the Central Military Club brimming with people, the publishing house “Agape knjiga” presented its new editions – autobiographies of Nikola Tesla and Mihajlo Pupin edited by Aleksandra Ninković Tašić, “All My Roads Lead to Serbia” by Arnaud Gouillon, and “Agape Anthology 4” by the authors Vladeta Jerotić and Aleksandar Gajšek.
The speakers at the promotion were the academicians Vladeta Jerotić and Dušan Kovačević, Arnaud Gouillon, Aleksandra Ninković Tašić and the host of the promotion Aleksandar Gajšek.
The young Frenchman, Arnaud Gouillon, who is considered to be one of the greatest benefactors of Serbia, explains in his autobiographical story why he grew to love Serbia and how he has managed over 12 years to raise almost four million euros of assistance for the people in Kosovo and Metohija.
- The book had its third edition and I would have never thought that so many readers would accept this humble testimony. The central thread of this book is that the future depends on us, and if we cannot change it entirely, we can certainly influence it – Gouillon said.
Aleksandra Ninković Tašić has for the first time edited within one book the autobiographies of two great names – Pupin and Tesla. Speaking about the book, she emphasised that even today there is a hope that we can be better people worthy of the ancestors such as Pupin and Tesla.
“Agape Anthology 4” is a book in which Academician Vladeta Jerotić selected 12 best dialogues from twelve years long TV serial “Agape” which is broadcasted by TY Studio B. Academician Dušan Kovačević, Arnaud Gouillon and Aleksandra Ninković Tašić stressed at this evening’s promotion that it was their great honour to have been included in the book “Agape Anthology 4”.
Academician Vladeta Jerotić said that he had been rather subjective when choosing which 12 discussions to select for the book. He spoke about each choice he had made, explaining the reasons which had influenced his final selection.
The host of the evening Aleksandar Gajšek concluded that “when we do something, the words should use small space and they should be few, while the deeds should use large space and they should be many”.
- In case of each of our guests, all of them being the masters of words, their deeds spoke much more about them- Gajšek pointed out.
The artistic part of the programme was marked by the participation of choir “Mojsije Petrović” and by performance of jazz and gospel music Iva Ikon.