
Exhibition of drawings by Momo Kapor opens in Central Military Club

"Memories of an artist" – an exhibition of drawings, pastels and illustrations by Momo Kapor, has been opened tonight at the Great Gallery of the Central Military Club. The exhibition was organized to mark the third anniversary of death of our distinguished painter and writer, and is the fruit of cooperation between the Endowment “Momcilo Momo Kapor”, and the “Odbrana” Media Centre.

The concept of the exhibition consists of 70 drawings and 30 pastels that are privately owned by friends, collectors and lovers of Kapor’s drawings and are exposed for the first time and selected for this occasion. These are mainly portraits of friends and well-known historical figures such as Patriarch Pavle, Vuk Karadzic, Tin Ujevic, Branko Copic, Dobrica Cosic, Njegos, Jovan Ducic, Dusko Radovic and others. Kapor is an author of well-known drawings of girls, angels, Ada and illustrations for numerous books.

Speakers about the artist and the exhibition were Ljiljana Kapor, founder and Director of the Endowment, poet Rajko Petrov Nogo and Lieutenant Colonel Slavoljub Markovic, Director of “Odbrana” MC, and the programme was conducted by actress Vjera Mujovic.

Ljiljana Kapor addressed the audience citing an excerpt from the book "Bridge on the Drina" by Ivo Andric.

- Everyone dies twice. But great people die when they leave this earth, and for the second time when their endowments are lost. Endowment named Momo Kapor is founded just for that purpose to preserve and cherish the memory so that Moma always remains with us. This was the motivation for organising this exhibition, said the Director of the Endowment.

Poet Rajko Petrov Nogo opened the exhibition quoting the famous Kapor.

- I drew on the margins, newspapers, napkins, backs of menus, on mirrors in the morning with someone's lipstick as a token of gratitude for the spent night. I drew on frosted windows, made patterns on the walls as I was waiting for someone marking the track and passage of time. But mostly I drew on bare tables in bars and dreary buffets on the smooth surface with ordinary black ball-point pen which transformed into a Renaissance silver play, the poet read Kapor's words and praised him because he had full self-consciousness and always knew what he was doing.

Lieutenant Colonel Markovic welcomed the guests in a crowded hall of the Central Military Club and pointed out the excellent cooperation with the Foundation since 2011.

- We started the cooperation with exhibition "Belgrade Stories". It was the first, complete, great retrospective exhibition of paintings by Momo Kapor. We continued with exhibition of drawings, and I hope that we will continue to cooperate, as the Central Military Club is the house with open doors, the Director of this house said.

At the opening ceremony, art lovers could watch the short documentary film "Momo uncut" by Djodje Markovic, which was premiered at the last festival "Momo's circle". The film used television footage shot for the TV show "SFRY for Beginners" which is the last known video recording of the famous artists. Speakers about Moma and cultural phenomena were his friends Matija Beckovic, Emir Kusturica, Mirjana Bobic-Mojsilovic Igor Mandic, Peter Peca Popović and others.

Autobiographical sketch, on the Endowment's logo, is a registered trademark of the exhibition which will be open until 10 April 2013.