
Odbrana Media Centre takes part in the April Cup model-making event

Odbrana Media Centre took part in the April Cup model-making event which was held at the Air Force and Air defence Command in Zemun. In the competition which was organized by model makers of 204th Aviation Brigade from the Batajnica airport, Odbrana Media Centre, that provided media support for the event, presented itself in the exhibition space with its publications and souvenirs.

The model named Dakota of Zeljava created by Dejan Rankov was declared as the best model in the "April Cup".

The model makers were also candidates for winning positions in four special classes that have been named after our famous pilots Mihailo Petrovic, Bozidar Kostic, Milenko Pavlovic and Zoran Radosavljevic. The best in these categories were Dejan Rankov (in the first and the third one), Dusan Surla in the second, and Aleksandar Tumbin in the last one.

The competition was organized within the marking of the 6th April, the day during the Second World War, in 1941, when Belgrade was bombed.