
Promotion of the book "Candle in the wrong window"

The book "Candle in the Wrong Window" by Retired Colonel Branko Opacic has been presented tonight at the Atrium of the Central Military Club in Belgrade, Serbia.

At the promotion organized in cooperation with Odbrana Media Centre the speakers were writers and reviewers of the book Radomir Smiljanic, Rastko Jevtovic, MA, Prof. Zoran Kilibarda and Prof. Zeljko Ivanis.

- People who have such work, and such author are both happy and unhappy. They are happy because of the quality of the one who wrote the book and what is written in it, and unhappy as it talks about the unimaginable suffering that our people survived – Radomir Smiljanic said speaking about the importance of Opacic's work. The same emotion in the rest of the evening was shared by the other speakers.

Professor Rastko Jevtovic believes that "Candle in the Wrong Window" is one of few works of Serbian literature dealing with the war nineties and everything that preceded them, and what emerged from them.

- This book is not the only one that talks about the painful past of the Serbian people but it is certainly among the most important ones – Jevtovic said. Professor Ivanis agreed with this assessment and writer Zoran Kilibarda recognized himself in the pages of the novel, of which, he says, he could easily be a part of.

- Fortunately or unfortunately I rejected the offer to become a resident of the city of Zadar. I still wonder should I be glad about that, or should I be ashamed of my decision. If I had not made it, I would probably still be the hero of this novel, and this way I just share the pain of those who were forced to leave their homes, said he.

In the first part of the book the author talks about the twenty-year period (1972 - 1991) of life and work of JNA officers in the Artillery Training Centre in Zadar, while in the second part it deals with the events around the preparation of the "Croatian Defenders" to destroy the Centre and thus the combat operations.

In the artistic part of the program, Prof. Zivojin Velimirovic had his performance on the violin, and the program was conducted by Misa Ciric, TV speaker.