
"Serbian komiti 1903-1912 " book promotion

The book "Serbian Revolutionary Organization – Komiti detachments in Old Serbia and Macedonia 1903-1912" by Stevan Simic was presented in the Central Military Club, today. The book was produced in cooperation with Odbrana Media Centre and Serbian academic circles, on the occasion of the centenary of the Balkan wars.

The book was presented by Stefan Surlic from the Serbian academic circles, father Milorad Sredojevic from the Christian Thought, editor Jovo Bajic and Dimitar Tasic PhD from the Strategic Research Institute, Section for Military History.

"This topic has been neglected in our parts. This is evidenced by the fact that today we have no reliable list of Komiti commanders, not to speak about "ordinary" warriors. It is difficult to express what sin it is against the heroes who fought and died for Serbia. But it is even more sinning to our descendants" - Stefan Surlic said.

This book is not very large in volume, but it is valuable for its content. It is a story about the history of our grandparents and great-grandparents, something that we have forgotten, something that was not present in the research work of scientists for decades" – Father Sredojevic, publisher of the book, pointed out.

"Komiti is a word of Latin origin and literally means friend or companion. It got its new meaning at the beginning of the first decade of the 20th century in the region of the so-called European Turkey, whose reign in the Balkans was fading out. European press also started to buzz about Komiti. This word then entered into fashion and was utilized within the meaning of today's word specialist" - Jovo Bajic explained.

"For me it is the great honour to find myself in front of the reprint of an older edition and that I can help in throwing the light on under-researched areas of national history" – Dr Dimitar Tasic said and concluded that with such publications we are on the right way to prevent the memory of that period of our history to go out.