
"Strings sing sweetly" concert

In the Ceremonial Hall of the Central Military Club tonight, within the eighth event "Kragujevac Days in Belgrade", concert "Strings sing sweetly" was performed by the City Chamber Choir "Lyceum" from Kragujevac, under the baton of Miloje Nikolic.

At the beginning of the evening the audience was addressed by Zoran Matovic, President of the Management Board of the Association of the Citizens of Kragujevac in Belgrade, welcoming all audience, including especially the Catholic Archbishop of Belgrade Stanislav Hocevar, Deputy Mayor of the City of Kragujevac Dobrica Milovanovic, Major General Sladjan Djordjevic and famous conductor Mladen Jagust.

- This year we celebrate 15th anniversary of the association, and we were preparing the event with special care, as it fits to an anniversary. Such a nice gathering had to be organised in a beautiful place in Belgrade. And is there a more beautiful place for such a celebration than the Central Military Club! Odbrana Media Centre have always obliged us and now it has become an integral part of our team – Matovic said. He thanked than other patrons of the concert, the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia and the City of Kragujevac.

The audience was welcomed also by Anica Sabo from the National Council of the Slovenian National Minority and explained what connects Serbia and Slovenia in terms of music:

- This evening is devoted to choral works of Slovenian composers in Serbia and the preservation of heritage particles of the Slovenian people. A special treasure is the fact that the programme is performed by "Lyceum" choir from Kragujevac. It is not a coincidence, because Zlatan Vaud, one of the composers whose works will be performed tonight, tied his life inextricably to Kragujevac, where he spent the time during the Second World War.

The choir has performed exactly the composition by Zlatan Vauda "Our Father" and then there were other choir compositions by Davorin Jenko, Mahovil Logar, Jakob Petelin Galus and Anica Szabo. Chamber ensemble Skancin - Nevena Glisic Szabo (flute), Imre Szabo (violin), Attila Szabo (viola) and Philip Milinkovic (cello) performed in the concert.