
Book on brave warriors of Toplica

Presentation of the book "Toplica knights" by Radoje Kostic, was held in the atrium of the Central Military Club. The book was presented by research fellow of the Institute for Strategic Research of the Ministry of Defence, Dr. Dimitar Tasic, Chief of the Military History Institute for Strategic Research of the Ministry of Defence, Dr. Milan Terzic, museum associate, historian and reviewer Petko Marjanovic and the author.

Tasic, a military historian, pointed out the special importance of the book as a combination of military and local history, and congratulated the author for writing such a work as it requires time and effort. He also added that the book serves to honor primarily the locals of Toplica county, and then the rest of the citizens of Serbia.

Milan Terzic also stressed his critical opinion that the author wanted to translate the documents in his possession into new books, and thereby honor his county, providing insight into knowledge that is difficult to collect.

Petko Marjanovic spoke about the symbolism of the book's publication in the year marking the 100th anniversary of the beginning of the Second Balkan War.

The author pointed out that the book is dedicated to the forgotten people and their relatives, and that the additional importance of promotion is the place where the event took place, in the Central Military Club, as the "Knights of Toplica” returned after so many years in the Warrior's home." Kostic thanked Brigadier General Zelimir Glisovic for expressing the deep respect the Serbian Army has for his to its tradition.

In "The knights of Toplica" a part of Serbian history (1912-1918.) was saved from oblivion and is dedicated to the memory of the brave bearers of Karadjordjeva stars with swords from Toplica, as the most acknowledged Serbian war medals, which has been awarded for achievements in war and his bravery on the battlefield.

The information about the remarkable generation of warriors, one third of whom lost their lives defending the freedom of Serbia, or died from the wounds inflicted in conflict author gathered through many years of research in archives and museums, patiently searching, in order that all evidence may be checked and sustain professional criticism.