
Presentation of book about NATO and the European Union

Presentation of the book "Pillars of the European Security in the 21st century – NATO and the European Union" by Mr Sava Savic was held today in the Atrium of the Central Military Club in Belgrade.

The speakers about the book published by Odbrana Media Centre were the reviewer of the book, Professor of Faculty of Political Science and the author Dragan Simic. The comments by the Head of the Serbian Team for negotiations with the EU, Prof. Tanja Miscevic, who was also one of the reviewers, were read.

Thanking to everyone who contributed to the publication of the book, the author pointed out that the motive of his work was found primarily in the absence of a unified literature on issues related to security issues and the basics of the European Union and NATO, and briefly presented the contents of the work.

- The book "Pillars of the European Security in the 21st century – NATO and the European Union" is a harmonized written monograph on two strongest international regional organizations, where they are analyzed in terms of their security role in European security. Also, a very useful part of the book is the summary of the views of modern theoretical approaches and trends in the consideration and understanding of international relations and security – Prof. Tanja Miscevic said in her written address to the visitors of the promotion.

She added that the main focus of her review was put on the parts of the book relating to the European Union, and on its growing into a security actor and its place and role in the European security.

- There is no doubt that this book sheds light on a much wider aspect of the European Union from a lesser-known side, and in this sense it represents a significant contribution to the completion of the European security image. Therefore, it can be included among the primary sources of information, particularly in areas related to modern security – she said.

Professor Simic commented on the theoretical and literary style of Savic's work. – Except for great theoretical and informative background, "Pillars of the European Security in the 21st century – NATO and the European Union" differ from similar works by its clear and precise language in which there is no ambiguity and the wanderings of typical writing style of a professor. The author has managed to make a progress in relation to the professional literature and to make a serious topic appealing to a wider readership circle – Simic said.

Editor-in-Chief of the Publishing Department of the Odbrana Media Centre, Dragana Markovic, said that the work of MSc Savic will be one of 20 new publications of that institution to be presented at the upcoming Book Fair in Belgrade.

- In the period between the two fairs we have published over 100 titles. As we are specific publisher oriented to meet the needs of the defence system, most of our titles are textbooks, guidelines, rules, regulations, and a small part belongs to the publishing activity targeted to the general public, with we will present ourselves at the fair. "Serbian Army in the Great War 1914-1918", "Air war over Serbia in 1999" and two important monographs, including "Military Security Service in Serbia" and "Military Intelligence Service in Serbia" are just some of the titles from the offer of the Odbrana Media Centre which can be seen at the upcoming fair – she said.