Promotion of publication of Pavle Beljanski Memorial Collection
In the accompanying program of the exhibition "La Grande Iza by Vlah Bukovac" in the gallery of the Central Military Club, on Saturday 12th October 2013, from 15 am, the Pavle Beljanski Memorial Collection will present its two publications: "Proceedings of the Conference dedicated to Pavle Beljanski (1892-1965)" and "Pavle Beljanski Memorial".
The Proceedings presents the results from a scientific conference dedicated to Pavle Beljanski, held in 2012. Numerous topics have been researched and covered, indicating the rich history of the Memorial Collection, importance of the bequest of Pavle Beljanski, the importance of collecting and popularizing museums, sustainability of the legacy in the wider social context, as well as educating the public. Speakers about the Proceedings will be art historian Prof. Sasa Brajovic and Tamara Ognjevic.
Attribution items from the Pavle Beljanski Memorial and their interpretation in the spirit of contemporary trends in art history will be presented to visitors by art historians Prof. Milanka Todic, Prof. Nenad Radic and Prof. Jasna Jovanov.