110 years of the Association of War Volunteers
Apart from the representatives of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, Ministry of Culture and Information, Foreign Affairs and Labour and Social Policy, Serbian Orthodox Church, the Office of the Diaspora and Serbs in the region, the Ceremony was attended by presidents of the related associations from Montenegro and the Republic of Srpska, associations of disabled war veterans, Club of Generals and Admirals and many admirers of the volunteer movement in Serbia.
Pointing out that the tradition of voluntary joining Serbian war units is related to the earliest period of the national struggle for freedom, the president of the Association of War Volunteers Dr. Vidoje Golubovic said that many of the famous names of Serbian history, culture, politics and art marked the volunteer movement.
In addition to the significant jubilee, the formal ceremony was to mark 85 years since the publication of the first issue of "Dobrovoljacki glasnik" journal which published on its pages texts and testimonies of victims and the heroic deeds of the volunteers who gave Serbia, without hesitation, the most precious thing they had - their life.