Presentation of the 2014 Calendar of the Ministry of Defence
Speakers about the calendar were Dragan Markovic, head of the Publishing Section of the Odbrana Media Centre, Dusan Babac, creator of the calendar and Major Vladan Bajic from the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Serbia.
- Bearing in mind that next year we are to celebrate a very important anniversary, the centenary of the outbreak of the First World War, we have tried to publish a calendar with an appropriate topic exactly for the book fair, much earlier than in the previous years. We have managed in it and it makes us proud, especially as this year we have annexed to our fund of 400 issues published so far, another twenty titles. We believe that these publications, as well as the Calendar with scenes from the First World War, will attract the deserved attention of readers and visitors to the book fair to whom we will present every day at our booth, another new publication, Dragan Markovic said.
- Importance of the anniversary we are going to mark next year prompted us to make an effort to, I believe, come to the attention of not only of history lovers, but also many admirers of the book that do not miss these fair events. We have materials for another ten calendars for each of the following years. Each photo on 12 sheets of the Calendar of the Ministry of Defence has its own story, each about the heroism of the Serbian warrior and his life at the front, Dusan Babac said.
Recalling that the Ministry of Defence had already begun the celebration of the jubilee by the exhibition on Milunka Savic at the Central Military Club, and that this project will continue throughout the next year, Major Vladan Bajic emphasized that all these efforts are dedicated Serbian soldier, whose bravery and glory in the First world War became known to all the world.