
Celebrated 95 years of the liberation of Belgrade

Today in the organization of the City Council of the League of the Descendants of the Warriors of the Liberating Wars of Serbia from 1912 to 1918, in the Central Military Club, a solemn ceremony was held attended by the representatives of the Serbian Parliament, Serbian Orthodox Church, Ministry of Defence, General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces, municipality officials and numerous guests celebrating the 95 years of the liberation of Belgrade in the First World War.

Welcoming the present audience the President of the City Council of Belgrade Pavle Lučić, among other things, said that, today, Belgrade is a modern European capital whose bridges connect it with the rest of the world.

- Belgrade has many days that should be celebrated in memory of glorious battles and fights for freedom. One of these days is, undoubtedly, the 1st November 1918 when the troops of the First Army triumphantly marched into the Serbian capital bringing the freedom to a long-suffering people. Belgrade is today a commercial, information, cultural, political, artistic and every other centre of Serbian people, the town which by its beauty and glory deserved the place in European and world history long time ago. After a long suffering Belgrade proved unconquerable city whose heroes deserve to be remembered, therefore by the ceremonies and solemn celebrations of this kind we try to do so.

The audience was also addressed by the President of the League of the Descendants of the Warriors of the Liberating Wars of Serbia from 1912 to 1918 Ljubomir Marković who said that this nongovernmental, social organization has two provincial and 24 district councils including many city and municipal organizations.

- Our task is never to forget our ancestors, the brave soldiers of the liberating wars from 1912 to 1918. Generations were brought up on their examples and lives lost for the people’s freedom. From the day of founding the National Defence, more than 100 years ago, the first patriotic organization in Serbia which by its unselfish work and dedication of its members who were determined to give their lives for Serbia and freedom gave a significant contribution to liberating Balkan wars, the Serbian people learned to respect liberty and lives lost for the life in freedom, said Ljubomir Marković.

Liberating of Belgrade in the First World War has not been celebrated for several decades, and only recently it regained the importance it deserves. At that time the First Army, under the command of Petar Bojović, only 45 days from breaking the Salonika Front, arrived in Serbian capital, having crossed under fight more than 1500 kilometres. Having liberated the capital they continued to pursue the enemy across the rivers Sava and Danube.

The Chamber Orchestra “Equilibrium“ of the Faculty of Music Art of Belgrade, the Choir of the Theological Faculty of Belgrade and drama actors took part in the artistic part of the programme.