
Novel "Twelve sinners" presented at the Central Military Club

In the Central Military Club tonight, novel "Twelve Sinners" by Jovan Radovanovic, ninety-three year old Retired Colonel, author and former journalist of "People's Army" journal, has been presented.

Speakers about the book, for which the author received the first prize in the literary and historiographical contest "Dragojlo Dudic" Foundation in 2013, were Professor Miodrag Ignjatovic, PhD in literature, Zoran R . Kovacevic, writer and the author.

Ignjatovic pointed out that the heroes from the books must be people, and people above all, who do not stand out either by virtue of wealth and are most similar to us.

- That was the starting point of now aged and literary talented Colonel Radovanovic, known by his valuable scientific feuilleton activities and valuable, huge body of works. In the latest book he proved himself to be an excellent storyteller. Plenty of life fragments, romantic and tragic scenes, persistence and fluctuations of concrete people, filled more than 200 pages of the novel by masterful hand and knowing dramaturgy, which deserved the primacy of "Dragojlo Dudic" award, the writer said.

Zoran Kovacevic pointed out that he was honoured to attend and participate in the tonight's promotion as a friend of Jovan Radovanovic, and recommended everyone to read the novel.

- The book is written in an unusual, modern way. I expect that Jovan continues to write and to have the third book on this theme published, the theme of a man, which deserves a film realization, Kovacevic said and read several aphorisms on the novel and the themes in it.

The author thanked for the "astonishing attention of those present" and wanted them to get together at the promotion of some of the subsequent books he is going to write.

In the cultural programme, which was conducted by Dr. Miroljub Vasic, Research Fellow, there was performance of the String Quartet of "Stanislav Binički" Art Ensemble of the Ministry of Defence.

The tragic transformation of a Partisan deserter on an example of four partisan officers from a company and eight soldiers, who left their posts heading to Serbia, served the author to call the combatants, victims, with halos of martyrdom, "sinners". Novel with a series of images of people – combatants away from their homeland, who are often at war in impossible conditions, unbearable hunger and the suspicion if they will break out of the "ring" is permeated by numerous psychological elements.