Promotion of the book "Informational Systems of Logistics"
The book was presented by Major General Prof. Bojan Zrnic, PhD, Head of Defence Technologies at the Material Resources Sector of the Ministry of Defence, Brigadier General Zeljko Ninkovic, Head of the Logistics Department at the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Serbia, Colonel Prof. Marko Andrejic, PhD, Head of the Logistics Department at the Military Academy and the author. Host of the promotion was Lieutenant Colonel Zoran Krupez, Editor of the military-professional literature at the Media Center Odbrana.
General Zrnic said that the author had “the right and competencies to write such a book”.
- I recommend this book, not only to cadets of the Military Academy, for whom it was initially intended, but to everyone else as well. The author had the courage to face the fact that we haven’t reached demands of the concept that existed 20, 30 years ago, because we divided informational systems of logistic processes into sections that hardly communicate with each other – General Zrnic pointed out.
- The book can be a useful read for greatest workers in the field of logistics in the past period, as they will find details of their work and life biographies there; for today’s workers in logistics, it will serve as a manual for work and assessment; for future workers in the field of logistics it will be useful as literature for acquiring new knowledge – General Ninkovic said, adding that the book is written in simple language, friendly oriented towards the reader.
Colonel Andrejic, the book’s critic, spoke about this work “through the prism of changes that have led to its creation”.
- Great organizational changes that have occurred in the past 10 years have affected defence as an important state function, as well, so this book gathered defence, informational systems and logistics in one place. This has been the first successful attempt for knowledge on information and informational systems in logistics, already settled in human minds, and its application in operational practice of defence to be systemized and shaped in solid form and made available for the public. This is the best book in this field because it is the first – the critic stressed.
- I did not intend to explain what cannot be explained, but to show and, for the first time, in one place, write something that can be gravely criticized and improved, so that it becomes much better in the future. My intention was to help everyone understand the importance of this topic, and for the book to incite interest, so that these issues may be given more attention in the future. I expect numerous critiques on the book, and they might be an inspiration for others to write about informational systems of logistics – the author said.
In order to realistically perceive the needs of the informational systems of logistics, it is necessary to know the way the Military lives and sustains, works and develops, completes special purpose tasks in the field of defence, accomplishes results, reaches goals and completes missions. Success of any given mission of the Armed Forces of Serbia in the Information Age we live in demands for the armed forces to possess the ability of prompt and professional use of information.