
Promotion of the Book on Serbian Military Medical Service

In the atrium of the Central Military Club, promotion of the books "The Balkan Wars 1912-1913" – Work of the Serbian Military Medical Corps by Aleksandar S. Nedok, MD, and "Serbian Military Medical Corps in the Balkan Wars", by a group of authors, was organised as part of the event "Month of Book" by Odbrana Media Centre.

On that occasion, Colonel Mile Ignjatovic, Assistant Professor, Primarius Aleksandar S. Nedok, Full Research Professor, Major General Retired Primarius Branislav Popovic and Brigadier General Retired Veljko Todorovic, Assistant Professor, spoke about the importance of Serbian Medical Corps, which has a tradition of over 170 years.

Speaking about the importance of the two publications, Colonel Ignjatovic said that these are capital issues, important for our historiography, stressing that the editors and authors of the books were his disciples, important names of the Serbian medical historiography who collected and processed data for many years, working very hard visiting archives to find documents related to the Balkan wars.

Primarius Aleksandar Nedok, Scientific Advisor, the author of the book "The Balkan Wars 1912-1913" - Work of the Serbian Military Medical Corps, whose father and grandfather were doctors and medical officers in the Serbian Army, spoke about the history of the Serbian military medical corps in the Balkan wars. On this occasion he said that most of the records kept in the archives of the Serbian military medical corps are from the period of the Albanian wars. According to Dr. Nedok, there were about twenty authors, professors, and professional soldiers who worked on collecting documents and arranging information for the books which represent a whole.

Major General Retired Primarius Branislav Popovic pointed out the importance of the topics covered in the books, mentioning the military-political situation in the Balkans in 1912, military operations and military medical corps organization. Popovic stressed the importance of medical trains that have played a major role in the rapid evacuation of patients and reduction of mortality.

According to Brigadier General retired Veljko Todorovic,MD, military medical corps had a clearly defined strategy for doctrinal documents, with clear roles and tasks of commands, hospitals and medical corps. He pointed out that the Serbian military medical corps had problems with a lack of staff, but that foreign missions provided extensive assistance to our doctors.

At the end of his speech, Todorovic thanked the authors, the Military Health Department of the Ministry of Defence, the Military Archives, the Odbrana Media Centre and other institutions that supported issuing of these publications.