Expert guidance through the exhibition "Danica Jovanovic (1886-1914)"
On this occasion, the gathered news reporters were informed about the exhibition that will be ceremonially opened on Wednesday, August 20, at 20.00 by the author of the exhibition Jasna Jovanov, PhD, Director of the Pavle Beljanski Memorial Collection, Danilo Vuksanovic, MA, Conservator of the Matica Srpska Gallery from Novi Sad.
The Belgrade public will have the opportunity to see for the first time the opus of one of the most significant Serbian painters from the beginning of the 20th century, and her unusual life, in 75 expositions, 58 of which are paintings. The organization of the exhibition was also supported by the National Museum, Ethnographic Museum, Historical Museum of Serbia and independent collectors.
The exhibition will be followed by a diverse program, including children’s workshops (on Saturdays, from 13.00), lectures and film projections (on Saturdays, from 14.00) and expert guidance through the exhibition on Thursdays, from 17.00.
The exhibition will be opened until September 20, 2014, on weekdays and Saturdays, 11.00 – 19.00.