
Promotion of the book "The fleets that are now gone" held

Flote kojih vise nema-Milan DjuranAt the Atrium of the Central Military Club, around 100 navy and battleships enthusiasts saw the promotion of a book by Technical Navy Lieutenant Colonel Milan Djuran titled “The fleets that are now gone”, which authentically, honestly and with plenty emotion tells about the missing navies and their fleets at the east Adriatic coast, between 1797 and 2005.

Speeches about the book were given by Zivan Nikolic, retired Battleship Captain, journalist Radovan Kovacevic, Tomislav Djordjevic, PhD, retired Battleship Captain, Radovan Tomanovic, PhD, retired Lieutenant General and the author.

Mutual impression of the introducers, who spoke very highly of the book and its content, was that, with its publishing, military navy literature has gained valuable material, which will be useful for broadening knowledge about naval warfare and the fleets that cruised in east Adriatic and Mediterranean.

In this book, author Milan Djuran, former Technical Navy Lieutenant Colonel, gave a plethora of data on all the fleets that cruised in the east part of the Adriatic in the last two centuries. Naturally, most space was devoted to the ships of the Fleet he himself belonged to – RM Fleet of the Yugoslav People’s Army. In the book, readers can find data on forming navies and their fleets, procurement and equipping of ships, submarines and navy aviation, and even interesting stories about the people who sailed those ships and shared the hardships. None of those fleets exist today. What’s mutual for those fleets, as the author said, no matter which navy they belonged to, is that they weren’t sunk in great and deciding battles, but they disappeared together with empires and states they belonged to. This was also the case with the Fleet of SFRY and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.