
Closing of the exhibition Danica Jovanović (1886-1914)

Today is the last day of the exhibition Danica Jovanović (1886-1914), which was displayed for a month in the Grand Gallery of the Central Military Club. As part of the closure, just like every Saturday during the exhibition, the accompanying programme was held – Children's workshops, guided tours and this time screenings of two documentaries dedicated to the great painter who died in the First World War, before the war actually started. To keep everything running better than it was anticipated there was the curator of the Memorial Collection of Pavle Beljanski Jasmina Jaksic Subic.

Apart from the exhibits, the audience was able to comprehend the life and work of Danica Jovanovic in another way – through documentaries. The first film entitled One picture, one story was devoted to one part of the painter's oeuvre, the painting of Head of a Gypsy Woman. Screenwriter and presenter of the film is Tijana Palkovljevic, and the documentary was produced by Serbian Broadcasting Corporation. The second show was taken from Novi Sad television, and was realized as a discussion between the host Smiljka Seljin and Dr Jasna Jovanov, Manager of the gallery of the Memorial Collection of Pavle Beljanski.

This Saturday, the workshop entitled Really Diligent in Drawing involved fifty pupils of primary school Brothers Grulovic from Beska, the painter's hometown. Their masterpieces have also found their place on the gallery wall, along with drawings from the previous weeks. For little Beska citizens, today's workshop was only an introduction to the celebration of marking Danica's days that will be held in Beska next week.