
Exhibition "Seven Artists: Parallels between Fine Arts and Tapestry” opened

At the Gallery of the Central Military Club, tonight, an exhibition “Seven Artists: Parallels between Fine Arts and Tapestry” has been opened. In cooperation with Odbrana Media Center, the exhibition was prepared by the Gallery of Fine Arts – Gift Collection of Rajko Mamuzic and “Atelje 61” from Novi Sad.

Guests were greeted by the newly appointed Director of Odbrana media Center Colonel Stevica Karapandzin, Teodora Z. Markovic, Marketing and Public Relations Associate at Atelje 61; Lazar Markovic, MSc, Director of the Gallery of Fine Arts and Laslo Siladji, Director of Atelje 61.

Colonel Karapandzin said that the concept of the Gallery of the Central Military Club – exhibitions of remarkable works of our fine arts owned by many museums, galleries and collections across Serbia – will not be significantly changed.

- This concept separated the galleries of the Central Military Club and placed their exhibitions at the very top of arts and fine arts events in Serbia. According to this criterion, tonight, we have the opportunity to see the works of seven extraordinary artists. A special quality is added to the exhibition by the tapestries that are rarely displayed, which in no way diminishes the significance of this rather interesting medium. Another curiosity lies in the fact that “Atelje 61” had its first exhibition in this very building in 1962. I believe that this exhibition will awake the interest of visitors and fine arts enthusiasts – Director of Odbrana Media Center said.

According to teodora Z. Jankovic, the exhibition setup is “perfectly fitted within the Gallery of the Central Military Club”, and Lazar Markovic complimented Odbrana Media Center for its cooperation with cultural institution that has lasted for several years. He also complimented the authors of the exhibition, Anu Rakic and Goranku Vukadinovic, on their “good and smart concept of two institutions from Novi Sad”. Director of “Atelje 61” thanked everyone who helped the cooperation between the three institutions result in a successful exhibition.

The exhibition, which will be open until October 11, is a unique opportunity for the Belgrade audience to see works of: Bosko Petrovic, Stevan Maksimovic, Mladen Srbinovic, Stojan Celic, Dragutin Cigarcic, Jovan Soldatovic and Edo Murtic, authors represented in techniques of fine arts, sculpture and tapestry in both these institutions from Novi Sad. Their works represent the crossing points that initiated the idea of the setup as an attempt at problematizing the similarities and differences between the tapestries and fine arts.

The exhibition is followed by a rich follow-up program – documentary film projections, video presentations, lectures and expert guidance through the exhibition.