New issue of ODBRANA
In ODBRANA No. 220 of November 15 2014, you can read about marking the Armistice Day, work of the Military Security Agency, practices of the Riverine Flotilla and the Military Police, the life and work of Serbian peacekeepers in South Lebanon, the exhibition “March of the Victorious” and more.
INTERVIEW – Brigadier General Petar Cvetkovic, VBA Deputy Director: CORRUPTION UNDER “MEASURES”
Meeting of the Minister of Defence with representatives of unions of special purpose industry: AGREEMENT AND GOOD COOPERATION
Practice of the Riverine Flotilla: COLLECTIVE INVOLVEMENT
General Lackovic donated blood for the 100th time: NOTHING IS MORE HUMANE
Exercise of members of the 25th Military Police Battalion: NIGHT GUARD OF BLACK BERETS
With Serbian peacekeepers in South Lebanon: LAND OF TURMOIL
Successful cooperation between Manjifiko and Binicki Ensemble: “MONTEVIDEO, THANK YOU”
Exhibition of photographs of the military parade: “MARCH OF THE VICTORIOUS” AT THE CENTRAL MILITARY CLUB
FEUILLETON – Help to Serbia in the Great War: SERBIAN ENGLISH WOMEN
SPORTS – Half-marathon on Cer: FOR THE GLORY OF HEROES
Special supplement: ARSENAL 95
ODBRANA can be purchased at newsstands of STAMPA and FUTURA PLUS, in VOJNA KNJIGA book store in 22, Vasina St. in Belgrade at a price of 100 dinars and digital issue at portal www.novinarnica.net