
Awarding annual prizes for the best scientific works in the defence system

With the goal of affirmation of scientific research and stimulation of science workers in the defence system, the Ministry of Defence traditionally awarded the best research project, a doctoral dissertation and master's work at the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces, and the best article published in the "Military Act" in 2014.

On this occasion, at today’s ceremony in the Central Military Club, Minister of Defence Bratislav Gasic handed over acknowledgements for the best research project to military employee Dr. Ljubica Radovic from the Military Technical Institute, for the best doctoral dissertation to Major Dr. Branimir Krstic from the Military Academy, and the “Military Act” award to Srdjan Perisic from the Faculty of Political Sciences.

Congratulating the awarded, Minister Gasic stressed that, relying on greatest scientific achievements from the country and the world for efficient responses to present and future security risks and threats, the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces organized their own scientific research activity that represented one of the main factors and initiators of development and strengthening of the defence system.

- There is no survival without development, and there is no development without scientific research. This is why we need expert staff and the today’s ceremony is a unique confirmation that the defence system understands the role of science in the process of development of defence capabilities, and that it is necessary to stimulate the most prominent individuals for their contributions – Minister of Defence stressed, adding that researchers and scientific workers from the defence system were active participants in the national and international scientific community.

According to him, continuous advancement is necessary for high quality of scientific researches, and it is encouraging that, in the past year, 13 of our members acquired the degree of Doctors of Science, three magister degrees and four master degrees in higher education units of the University of Defence.

- The vision of the development of the defence system should remain based on organized scientific research activities and efficient results of the scientific research staff – Minister Gasic stressed.

Explaining this year's selection, Brigadier General Slobodan Joksimovic, Chief of the Strategic Planning Department, stressed that the awards for scientific work had been granted since 2005, and that the Military Act had awarded the best published articles since 2008.

In the course of the ceremony, an exhibition dedicated to the presentation of the results of our scientific research institutions was held.