
Odbrana Media Centre awarded with the Plaque of the Riverine Flotilla

During the celebration of Day of the Riverine Flotilla and the Riverine Units, and the centenary of the foundation of the Riverine Flotilla, on the special purpose ship "Kozara", in the presence of General Dikovic, Chief of General Staff, Lieutenant General Milosav Simovic, Army Commander, representatives of social and cultural life of Novi Sad, Battleship Captain Andrija Andric presented a Plaque of the Riverine Flotilla to Odbrana Media Center, which Director Colonel S Stevica Karapandzin received.

- This truly valued recognition has made us very happy. It is a tribute to the dedicated work of all employees, both in the journalistic-informative and the publishing activities recognized by the members of the Riverine Flotilla. In addition, it is also a great stimulus to our further cooperation - Colonel Karapandzin said, adding that the occasion had given life to new ideas for further cooperation. As the next year marks 300 years since the successful defence of Petrovaradin and the victory of the Christians over the Ottoman invasion, the idea is to mark in joint engagement this event extremely important both for us and for the entire Europe. Recognition of the Riverine Flottila was also given to Budimir M Popadic, permanent contributor to the magazine "Odbrana".