Concert of spiritual music "Christ amidst us" held
The concert, with numerous lovers of spiritual and traditional music, was also attended by the envoy of His Grace Episcope of Srem Vasilije, protosincellus Kleopa, professor of the Faculty of Theology in Sremski Karlovci. On this occasion, on behalf of the Episcope of Srem, he presented the choir "Intercession of the Theotokos" with a letter of thanks.
- It is wonderful to serve God. The way that we priests do, but also the way that we were shown tonight by all the choirs that have served God with their song - protosincellus Kleopa said, thanking everyone who helped in the realization of spiritual music evening, and especially the organizers of the program and the Central Military Club for the warm reception.
Church choir "Intercession of the Theotokos" at the "Holy and Venerable Mother Paraskeva" temple has fostered choir chanting for more than a century, following in footsteps of the choral society "Graicar" founded in the late 19th century.