Expert guidance through the exhibition "Sword and Pen - Zivko Pavlovic, general and academic"
The visitors were led through setting by Petar Dekic, curator of the National Museum from Smederevska Palanka and the author of the exhibition. The topic of his expert guidance was the wider context of the exhibition, that is what is not obvious at first sight, and is important for a more complete understanding of the work of Zivko Pavlovic.
- The idea was to bring attention to what usually escapes people in understanding the story. Firstly, to explain the multidimensionality of the nature of Zivko Pavlovic’s personality, ie, the ability to realize his life as a mythic paradigm. Secondly, to clarify certain documents, which are particularly important. And thirdly, to give a broader historical context in which the life and work of Zivko Pavlovic took place - Petar Dekic.
Those who missed the opportunity to look more closely at this exhibition can attend the next expert guidance on 24 October, also at 13 o'clock.