Book "Postscript - Can Putin Help Russia" presented
This very interesting read, the collection of the author’s essays and reflections made during the last two decades in the Russian television show "Postscript" was presented by Zivadin Jovanovic from the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals, Vladislav Jovanovic, retired ambassador, Srecko Djukic, retired ambassador and author of the book Alexei Pushkov, Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the State Duma of the Federation Council and a famous Russian journalist.
Time confirmed the truth and the facts presented in the book on about 300 pages of a very exciting read. More than a hundred essays and reflections on various events that had incited worldwide attention during the last two decades overwhelm readers' attention from the first to the last page of the outstanding book about former times, and the events of today.
The author writes objectively, based on relevant and irrefutable facts, but does not avoid even stating a personal view on what happened and why. Pushkov unequivocally writes about the role of the US in the world order and its unstoppable weakening on the throne of until yesterday the only superpower, about the place and importance of Russia and its relations with the United States from the late 20th century to today, the disappearance of the Soviet Union from the world scene and the role of Gorbachev and Yeltsin in breaking the powerful US counterpart, the place and importance of China in this triangle of great powers, about the conflicts that marked the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st century, the behavior of Russia in the Balkan crisis in the nineties ... He also did not forget Serbia, which he says is on the watershed between the East and the West and, like all small countries, does best when there is balance among world powers.
The balance of the great powers in international relations is one of the themes that haunt the author. Claiming in his texts that Russia is on a track to regain the status of a world superpower, Pushkov objective and without condescension discusses the role of the current leaders of the Russian Federation Putin and Medvedev in the process, who he says represent the power and guarantor of future prosperity of a powerful and important state, a driving force in the world.
Presenting the book "Postscript - Can Putin Help Russia" published by the Karic Foundation, the speakers heartily recommend it not only to readers that are mainly interested in the politics, but also to all who want interesting and fresh, but above all honest and unambiguous answers to the questions of what and why had happened to us in the last two or three decades.