
The book "Serbian army - Weapons of our victories 1914-1918" presented

At the atrium of the central Military Club, today, the book "Serbian army - Weapons of our victories 1914-1918" by Branislav V Stankovic was presented. The event was attended by State Secretary at the Ministry of Defence Nenad Neric, representatives of the Historical Archives of Serbia, numerous colleagues and guests.

Speaking about the book, retired Aviation Colonel Dragan Krsmanovic said that the Kingdom of Serbia was among the first ones to recognize the signals that pointed to the possibility of large-scale conflict, and accordingly began the preparation. He reminded that in 1883 the standing army was introduced, and that before the start of the Great War several cycles of arming in the Serbian army were conducted. In parallel, Krsmanovic recalled, Serbia implemented and organizational and structural changes.

- Today, a century since the First World War, we have a handful of books that talk about it from different aspects, but this book is the only one that covers the material and technical factor – Krsmanovic said, pointing out that this is precisely why it is the important link that has been missing all these years to create a complete picture of Serbia in the Great War.

Associate of the Historical Archives of Serbia Branko Bogdanovic said that the author of the book is one of the greatest experts when it comes to weapons, and who supplemented his theoretical knowledge with field work. According to him, the book elaborates on the kind, quality, quantity and ways of procurement of weapons the Serbian army had, noting that it also invested in the development of its own potentials and development of professional engineering staff.

Speaking about the author, historian and museum consultant Svetlanka Milutinovic said that he devoted his entire work to weapons and ammunition, and turned his knowledge and collected material into a book.

Looking back on his work, author Branislav V Stankovic said that he had tried to respond to questions that no one had ever dealt with. He expressed confidence that his work provides a modest contribution to research on the most glorious period of the Serbian army and thanked everyone who offered him help and support in the three decades long endeavour.

The book represents the most detailed study of the Serbian army infantry weapons used in World War I that has so far been published in our country or in the world. All guns, bayonets, hand and rifle grenades, machine guns, revolvers and pistols, and official ammunition are presented.

The second part of the book describes the war path of the Serbian army from Cer to Dobro Polje. In the attachment to the book, in a concise manner, artillery armament of the Serbian Army and procurement of ammunition for the quick-firer field guns are also presented. In addition, the book contains hundreds of documentary photographs, maps and drawings.

Excerpts from the book were read by actor Vuk Saletovic and the promotion was enriched by the performance of vocal group "Vidovdan".