
Exhibition Close to heart

Painting exhibition "Close to your heart", which is a collaborative effort of the Media Center "Odbrana" and NGO "Balkan art initiative" opened last night in the small gallery of the Serbian Army. The exhibition includes 33 works of artists belonging to the hyper-realism, which is based on the direction of the forgotten secrets of the old masters.

Authors of the exhibition are Milenko Jankovic, founder and principal holder of the project coordinator and his wife Gordana Savic, executive director of the project.

According to Gordana Savic the exhibition was so far exhibited nine times in Serbia and the reactions of visitors are fabulous. - The Serbian people love art shown great visit to the exhibition, said Savic and stressed that the common idea that the jubilee tenth exhibition, to be presented in Belgrade.

The founder and principal Project Coordinator Milerilenko Jankovic, said that the exhibition, wherever that was staged, made a patriotic spirit, the feeling of the sublime, and back self-esteem and belief in what we do.

Dragan Jovanovic Danilov, art critic and author of the catalog, explained that the exhibition "Close to heart" organic continuation of the exhibition "Figuration, tradition, nation," which is an of organization "Barti" (Balkan art-initiative) organized in the house of the Serbian Army in Belgrade in November 2010.

- I represented in this exhibition by 33 artists who have found refuge in the classical manner of painting, enriched by centuries, the tradition and the return of the Eastern and Western esoterics defined as a place where newly enriched gloss shine. These are artists who devoted themselves to old, reliable, realistic farm, said the critic, adding that the flood of visual ugliness and villainy that swallow the world, the artists represented in the exhibition turned to craft, heritage and beautiful.

- The title of the exhibition "Close to heart" is significant. Let us recall, for the Orthodox doctrine, the human mind is in the heart, because God gave man the heart to think, Dragan Jovanovic said.

The exhibition was opened bu Gvozden Djolic, director of the Museum of viticulture and wine appreciation of Aleksandrovac pointing out that the authors setting the exhibition presented the pastoral tenants in 2012.

The special charm of the exhibition gives artists of the Serbian diaspora that the organizers have included the setting, because it gives a special spirit and breath. This action of "Barti" assumed the form of a kind of cultural mission, because all nine exhibitions were cultural events in small towns.

The exhibition will be open until 30 November 2012.